Start up solution from hT


Das britische Start-up hyperTunnel möchte digitale Zwillinge und Roboter nutzen, um Gefährdungen von Menschen beim Tunnelbau erheblich zu reduzieren: Geologische Voruntersuchungen, 3D-Druck und Abraumbeseitigung sollen ferngesteuert erfolgen, sodass keine Beschäftigten die Baustelle betreten müssen.

British start-up hyperTunnel wants to use digital twins and robots to significantly reduce the risks to people during tunnel construction: Geological preliminary investigations, 3D printing and spoil removal are to be carried out remotely, so that no employees have to enter the construction site.

To read the full article in German on the BauPortal website, click the link below. 

|BauPortal |Start-up solution from hyperTunnel

This article is also covered in the BauPortal 2022/3 August print issue.